Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Not so happy time

This blog will likely be deleted one day. It is part of my life, but there are far more happy times than sad for me to remember, and, as is my nature, I prefer to forget them...Occasionally, as in all families, we run into situations that impact our lives in a very negative way.

Such was the case in 1997, when I divorced my second husband. He, I discovered, had molested a family member. He went to jail for 10 years. He died before he was released. So be it.

We will be forever changed. But there is another facet: I have a mortgage on my house, due to his need for my equity to bail him out of his debts. I was incredibly foolish, but I allowed it, and now I am reaping what I have sown.

In all the years since we built this wonderful home, our door has been open to others. We had kids staying with us because they didn't want to change high schools when their parents moved away. We jumped at the opportunity to host exchange students. One from Chile, one from Argentina, one from Switzerland, and lastly, one from Kurdistan. They and their contemporaries were welcomed here, both while Charlie was alive, and more recently two years ago. Absolutely no regrets!!

In between, some "lost souls" moved into my basement: A longtime friend from grade school and later high school...promised to contribute...never did... We see him, still and love him dearly! A boy who wanted to spend his senior year here. He was to get a job and pay for his room and board..never did, left, no thanks from him or his moocher!....

A gay young man moved in with his "Doberman Pincherman" (Brooksie's description)... I never knew he and his mutt were down there...Bob felt sorry for him. His family had thrown him out! Then there was "Eddie". He claimed he didn't feel like doing "bad things" as long as he lived in our house...later served time for rape...never did find out what happened to him, but he liked it here!! Didn't know about him living down there, either.

Ronnie came last summer...needed a temporary home...lasted three months. He worked himself into two heart attacks trying to pay his way, two trips to the hospital. I begged him to stop, but, by the time he left, my yard and deck were beautiful!

While he was here, his "wife-like-person" showed up at 10 o'clock at night with his son. SO glad to see me!! Started acting strange, accused my granddaughters of trying to harm me, wanted to walk me to my room, scared the bejeebers out of them!!

A total "schizo", I had him take her back to Maryland...about a month later, she knifed a guest in their apartment, is now in jail for murder !

There is a saying that truth is stranger than fiction. I absolutely believe it!

All this ties in with a blog for another day, the background for what I will write about. I am boarding a plane tomorrow for a month in California...I have had my feelings hurt beyond description. I have paid a huge price for welcoming everyone into my home. Tonight I will try not to think about it. Things look ever-so-much better by morning.

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